Toni Pullen
A2 Art
Bob Martin
Bob Martin, a sport photographer that specialises in shooting, action, graphic and editorial photos. He does this corporate, editorial clients and advertising. What I like most about his work is the different angles his photographs are taken from, this gives his photos a whole new view and depth to them. Most of his photos do look like the models are posing for the photo but are actually action shots creating a more realistic, natural feel to his photos.
This photograph of a rugby player is my personal photo. For Martin to catch a shot as good as this one he may have taken hundreds of photos to catch the perfect shot. In this photo you can see this was an action shot and not staged, you are able to see this by the pain and fatigued expression the model has in his face that Martin was able to capture. Martin’s eye for detail is shown in the quality of the photo, each wet mud flying off the player’s face is all in focus, as is the face of the model. The main focus of the photo is on the player’s face and the lighting of the photo highlights all of the models wrinkles in the face in which the wet mud has gone. The whole frame of the photo is of the model shaking the mud off his face. Martin may have edited the lightening of the photo to express the wetness of the models clothes as his shoulders have a shine to them.
In this photo it looks like Martin has gone to extreme lengths to get this photo, which make them more interesting and allow you to see things from a different perspective. The angle of the photo shows the lengths the horses have to push themselves to achieve the jump. Also from this angle you can see all the aspects of the jump, the obstacle, the horse and the jockeys. He has been able to capture the movement of the photo, the horses jumping, the mud flinging of the horses feet and the jump coming apart.

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