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Carrying on with the bowl of water theme I developed the idea and decided to submerge and drop in other objects in the water. I first began with an apple. I wanted to capture the apple descending through the water and the splash that would be created when it first makes contact. Again for this shoot I used high speed photography and I was able to capture the journey of the apple through the water and the splash from the contact. After each time of dropping the apple into the bowl the outside of the bowl was covered in droplets that affected the outcome of some of the photos so if I were to do this again I would dry the outside of the bowl before taking more photos. I used harsh lighting which emphasizes the ripple in the water.

I took the best shots from the shoot and edited them on Photoshop. I cropped them down so you could see the water splash and bowl. From this I began changing the colours by changing the the contrast and the brightness to make the piece duller as the lightening in this photos was too harsh. After experimenting with; the curves, brightness and contrast I overlapped three consecutive photos of the apple deceding through the water and used the hard light effect on the two layers. I placed the photos on top of each other so it looks asif all three of the apples is in the same bowl and not separate but I also did a piece with three different apples falling but this time slightly moved so the different photos are still recoginasble but also is the same piece

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