Toni Pullen
A2 Art
From both of my portrait photoshoots i took the strongest shots and ........ by hand then I scanned them in. for the first image I made the paper wet and began to rub away parts of the image using my fingers, this created a distorted and destoryed element to the peice. After the paper had dreied i scrummpled it uo and fattened it back out to add to the effect. Once thos was scanned in it was dull. I put the peice into photoshop and used the over lay technquie, I used the same photo for the overlay that was not hand destoryed. This created the colours that were in the peice to be clear, brighter and sharper, this is most effective where the holes in the page are and the bottom layer shows through. As the bottom layer was the orginal photo now with the peice i desoryed it looks asif the skin of the model has been cracked and ripped. This links in with reactions again because the model is expressionless where as she could be feeling woren out and broken.

This peice was also done by hand. I took the strongest photo from shoot 10 and put in to photoshop and turned down the hue/saturation which made the colours colder and duller. After doing this i printed of the image, I used PVA glue and paint to creat the rippling/ wave effect. I poured the glue over the image and used a spatular to spread it out but avoided the face. After doing this I used black and white paint and used the spatular again to add it into the glue. The PVA glue drys colourless so I was left with the pattern of the white and black paint which covered the majority of the image.
After doing the PVA glue over the image was succesful I made a PVA peice using the same techniquie and colours but done this on a plastic surface. Once this was dry I was able to scan this into the computer. I took an image from shoot nine and over layed the scan of the glue. When over laying this I used clearer sections of the scan over the face. For my next image I used a different PVA peice I had also done but instead of avioiding the peice covering the face I placed it so the patteren was apart of the face.