Toni Pullen
A2 Art
For this photoshoot i experimented more to get the right lighting, again i used the b;ack backdrop. I used both a male and female model, but found only two of the photos were strong enough to use. Like my second outcome for photoshoot 9 i used the layer tecchnigue to line up my layers. Instead of just leaving the layers ......... i overlayed one layer on this photo which created the daker face to the left of the photo and then merged te layers the lighter face was a duplicate of the beging layer moved to the right. Once all the layers had been placed i merged all the layers together. This links to the theme of reactions by the brain only being able to process small things at once or is not getting the whole process completed in the brain which could nfact be a mental illness which is occurs when a persons brain reacts different to a 'normal person'
This next image was done with the same method as the first, this time i used smaller sections and the layers were shifted slightly almost so you could see no change. after doing this i merged all the layers to creat this eeriey and dark effect. In this outcome the subject is almost not visbale or even looks asif he is hide behind something with small parts of light passing through onto his face. This could suggest how little things could get to a person to make he/she react in a certain way. The lines in all of the edits which i have done in this photoshoot and the previous could link to a barcode which could suggest that there is an uncertaintarty in idtenity. The eyes of the subject of this photo are dark and looked glazed almost shiny, this suggets that there is badness in the person and it is beging to take her the models body reacting with the models everyday life.
This next peice is exctly the same as the previous, i took it and looked thriugh my previous photoshoots and experimented by overlaying some of the photos in. When doing this i found i had to alter the order of the layers. Once i fitted this layer itnto the peice i found it made some of the facial features visable and lighter. The added layer makes you feel as the model has alot going on in his head. This is due to the explosion on the surface this could be explosions with feelings with in the brain or reaction the subject would have about something but does not show on the surface.