Toni Pullen
A2 Art
For this photoshoot I have took images from my previous photoshoots and prjected them on to a model, i used the photos with the most colour in. While doing the shoot i used no lighting and to begin with i used the camera on utomatic and found the outcomes were too white and did not show the colour on the the subject. I changed the camera to th apature mode and in this mode i had it on low to allow less light when taking the photos, from doing this you were able to the pattern of the projections on the subject. The older outcomes i used for the projections looked abstract when on the model as only cetain sections projected on to the model. I also found that the projection was clearer on a black ground so as my mdel was wearing white if was to do this again i would have my model in all black clothing.From looking at the outcomes of the photoshoot that the colours were too vibrant and in your face.
The image on the left is the unedited shot from the shoot. In this photo there is a clear pattern pojected upon the model and each indivual colour is visable and each as vibrant as the next. The photo to the right is the edited version. in this piece i have adjusted the hue and saturation of the photo, by doing this i have been able to bring down the brightness and the vibrance of the colours. i think this has made the colours in the peice blender better together now where as on the undited shot it looks likes blocks of colours. The pattern of the projection is still visable in the second photo but it is not as strong as what it is in the first. From both images you get an almost ghostly atmosphere, this is as the tshirt, is the main focus of the photo so it is almost as it is floating. You are also only able to see one arm clearly where as the other is hidden in the shadows. The left side of the photo is darker than the right so you get the sense that the darkness is slowly taking over the body.