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For this photoshoot i filled a glass bowl full of water and dropped ink into the water. I used high speed photography to captures the iks movemenet and reaction woth in the water. For this shoot i used a white back drop and vivid lighting. The white back drop contrasts with the dark colours used. I began taking photos from the momement ink entered the water. I found that when smaller amounts of was added you would get jelly fish shaped produced, when a larger amount of ink was added it desended down the bowl faster and clouded the water. The black ink began to mix with the blue and i was able to capture the blune ink intwining with the black. The blue ink was captured better by the camera and was a more clear colour whereas the black ink was clouded more. With in each peice you are able to see the journey of the ink as it goes through the water and how it reacts with the water. If I was to do this shoot again i was place the lighting so it was not reflected of the bowl. 

In the first image you are able to see the two colours mixing and reaction which each other. You can see how the black over powers the blue ink, this links to my project as it could sugget the way two people react with one another. The black with in the peice is a more bold, block colour where as in the blue ink you are able to see different shapes. The black ink could also look overpowering as at the bottom of the piece the black has began to travel back up the bowl fully taking over the water. This could suggets a thought taking over the brain but also as there is two colours it could suggest someone trying to keep calm (which would be the blue) become angrier and want to react to a situation (which would be the black).

The second image has been done with just the blue ink

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