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I further carried on the experiments with the water and submerging objects so for this shoot I used flowers. I used the flower heads and placed them on the surface of the water and angled my camera beanth the flower heads. As I was shooting these photos from an unusual / under shot I used the camera on the auto setting so I had no conrtol over what was the main focus of the photo. Because of this the final pieces were limited to what I could use to further develop and edit. As the lightening I used was harsh and was shone on the glass bowl I used effected the photos and the photos turned out to be more orange and bright. I put this photo into photoshop and firsty changed the curves but doing this further made the photo more orange and brighter and this is not the look I wanted for this photo. After undoing this I changed the brightness of the piece to stop the piece looking bright and dulled it down. From doing this it made the rose heads more appleing and the colours and lines sharper. Also from changing the colours the bubbles are now visible.

After using the flower heads and water I thought I would develop the idea further by freezing the flower head, I used different types of flowers. By doing this it makes you look at the flowers In a new way. It also shows a contrast as the flowers represent the season of summer where as the ice would symbolise winter. When doing this photo shoot I used a very hash lighting, which made the colours in the flower more vibrant. I found there was too much ice in this experiment so if I were to do this again I would limit the amount of water used to freeze the flowers. As I was using a harsh lightening my ice was melting fast unveiling different parts of the flower head creating a different out come every time. Not only could you begin to see more of the flower you can also see the puddle of water left behind. Because the lightening was so bright and harsh I found that no matter where I placed the light there was a shadow. I found that the successful shots I had took did not need much editing done to them as he lighting made the object bright and vibrant so changed the curves to make it more sharp and found that anything else done to the photo its self ruined it. I also cropped the photo down so you were unable to see the unwanted shadow.

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