Toni Pullen
A2 Art
To develop my project I began to look at portraits. The themse of reactions is portrayed by my portraits are the chemical reactions that happen within the human brain. This includes an indivuals feelings and actions. To begin I took a photoshoot in the studio, it was done on a black drop and in used harsh lighting. I asked my model to pose with no expression on her face, thios was because from this I am able to edit the photo in several ways to show what goes on, on the inside is not what is shown on the outside. To begin with making an outcome from this photoshoot I took my strongest image and changed the hue and staturation so the image was in black and white. After doing this I used the ............ tool and took a section and flipped it so this certain part of the face is facing the opposite way I done this again so three parts if the face is the opposite way. This suggests how a face could show one emotion but the brain could actually be feeling the complete opposite. i changed the phototo black and white to create an emotionless fell to the photo, the monochrome colour scheme also created a good contrast with in the photo.
This second outcome which i produce was done by usig overlayes of he same photo. For this method it worked better to use a photo witht the subject facing forwards. To begin I made a plan layer then using the marguee tool i created recantgular strips over and over again across the blank layer. after ding this i used the magic want tool to delete every other box. Once this was done i duplicated the portrait image and moved it init the gaps that had created, these boxes where so i was able to line up my layers. For this image i had three layers of the portrait photo and i deleted the blank layer. This created a shifted, disorted look to the portrait image. The subject again has an emotionless expression which shows tha what is on the inside is different to what is shown in peoples faces.